SHOT Show 2013 - Day 3

SHOT Show 2013 "Media Day at the Range"

SHOT Show 2013 Day 1

SHOT Show 2013 Day 2

SHOT Show 2013 Day 3


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Remington 1911 R1 Carry Commander.

Remington 1911 R1 Enhanced ATACS.

Remington's new VersaMax Sportsman line.

Marlin rifles.

Cassandra Hernandez with Rossi's Rio Grande 45/70 stainless lever-action rifle.

Cassandra Hernandez with Rossi's Rio Grande 410 lever-action shotgun.

Diamondback ARs. 

Diamondback pistols.

Taurus' new Millennium G2 9mm pistol will also be available in 40 Cal.

Taurus PT22 Poly with lavender frame. 

Hogue Scrimshaw handgun grips.

Hogue has introduced a comprehensive line of knives for 2013.

Rock River ARs.

AAC suppressor for the 50 Browning caliber.

Remington ARs and ACRs.

Beretta shotguns.

SIG 1911 Carry Spartan.

SIG Mosquito Carbon Fiber pistol.

Browning shotguns.

Springfield's new XDs-3.3 9mm pistol.

Benelli Raffaello Deluxe 12-gauge shotgun.

Uberti nickel-plated Schofield 38 revolver.

Uberti nickel-plated Remington reproduction.

Mossberg 930 SPX.

Mossberg 715T 22-caliber rifles.

Brittany Sevier with Lipsey's exclusive HK 45 pistol.

Jeff and Brittany Sevier with TALO exclusive S&W Performance Center Special.

Pietta rifles.

Ruger's new Compact American rifle (top) compared to standard Ruger American rifle (bottom).

Ruger's new Guide Gun.

Ruger SR-22 pistol with threaded barrel.

Ruger's new Commander-length SR1911.

Ruger's new SR45 pistol.

Ruger's new LC380 pistol.

LC380 (bottom) compared to Ruger LCP (top).

Pedersoli Sharps rifle with Malcolm-style scope.

Pedersoli Sharps rifle with tang sight.

Kimber Custom Shop pistols.

Kimber Micro Carry 380 pistol.

Kimber Sapphire Ultra II.

Christina and Caitlyn with Red Jacket Firearms' armored cell phone covers and ZK-22 10/22 Bullpup conversion.

Windham Weaponry's Snow Camo finish on a VEX-SS Varmint Exterminator 223.

Smith & Wesson Model 625JM 45 ACP revolver.

Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 586 357 Magnum.

Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 57 41 Magnum.

Thompson/Center Impact muzzle-loaders.

SHOT Show 2013 "Media Day at the Range"

SHOT Show 2013 Day 1

SHOT Show 2013 Day 2

SHOT Show 2013 Day 3