After bringing out the world's first .44 Magnum single action handgun in
1956, Bill Ruger was riding a huge wave of success. His Single Six rimfire revolver and .357 Blackhawk
were well received by the shooters and hunters of the world. The .44 Magnum Blackhawk, later to be known
as the Flattop (Here Come Ol' Flat Top), was also a great
Not content to leave well enough alone, Ruger had listened to the urging
of shooters to produce a heavier Blackhawk to better handle the recoil of the .44 Magnum. While being a
delight to carry and easy to handle, the .44 Blackhawk could be a bit painful to
shoot with the heaviest loads. In my hands, and those of many others, the old XR-3
grip frame of the original
Blackhawk has the best feel and pointability of any sixgun that Ruger ever produced. The XR-3 does,
however, smack the middle finger hard when firing heavy loads.
In an effort to make a more user-friendly grip frame, and at the
urging of prominent shooters such as the late Elmer Keith, Ruger lengthened
the grip frame and squared the back of the trigger guard in the manner of Colt's
Dragoon models. In order to add a bit of weight to the new sixgun, he made
the entire gun, with the exception of the walnut grips, out of steel. Rugers earlier designs used
aluminum for the grip frames. He also eliminated the cylinder flutes, which
were a carryover from black powder days, thereby adding more weight to the revolver. These changes
produced a heavier sixgun with a grip frame that eliminated the knuckle-busting
tendencies of the earlier XR-3 design, at least for some shooters. Ruger added a wider, lower hammer spur
and a wider trigger. The top of the frame protected the adjustable rear
sight. Ruger called his new gun the Super Blackhawk.
As happens with any change, some shooters welcomed the Super
Blackhawk as an improvement and some did not. For a few years, a new Ruger .44 could be had in either
Blackhawk or Super Blackhawk configuration.
One of the best qualities of the Super Blackhawks, at least in the case of
the Old Models, was the superb finish of the guns. The Supers had a high polish blued finish that was better
than any other Rugers, past or present. I say that they had the best finish
because, even though the Super Blackhawk is still produced, it no longer wears the premium finish of the
Old Models and early New Models. The only revolvers in the current Ruger catalog to receive the high polish are
a few of the stainless models. The newer blued guns, while wearing an excellent finish, do not equal the
beauty of the old three-screw Super Blackhawks.
I recently acquired an Old Model Super Blackhawk in one hundred
percent perfect, unfired condition. That particular sixgun is the one shown
here in the photos and tested for this article. Upon receiving the new Super,
I immediately cleaned the gun, which had been properly preserved in its pristine condition,
loaded it with some good handloads that I had on the bench, and proceeded to fire the thing.
I have owned Super Blackhawks in the past, but this particular three-screw
model, right from the beginning, exhibited excellent accuracy.
I also fitted a pair of Herrett's walnut grips to the gun that I had
slimmed down and refinished to better fit my hand. When firing heavy magnum
loads, these grips are the most comfortable that I have ever used. I have had them on
other Super Blackhawks that I have owned, and they protect my knuckles from
dislodging and flying through the air, while still allowing the sixgun to properly roll in my hand under
In the limited time that I have been shooting this gun, I have fired some
very good groups. The group shown here was fired at 25 yards with Remington factory 180 grain jacketed
softpoints. The group measures just 1.2 inches. This group is the norm for
this load in this sixgun. I am anxious to work up some heavy-bullet loads for
this gun. I have on the way some heavy bullets from Cast Performance that should work nicely
in this gun. I have also owned New Model Supers that were very accurate.
Among the .44 Magnum handguns available today, the Super Blackhawk
represents the best value in a hunting or target-shooting sixgun along with
Ruger's own Bisley model. In my opinion, nothing else on the market even comes close to providing the
strength and quality of the Super for the money spent. In my area, a new Super
Blackhawk can be had for well under 400 bucks. There are some other great single action .44s
available, but bring a lot more money with you.
For a good .44 Magnum, that you will never wear out, and
doesn't cost a lot,
this gun can't be beat.
Jeff Quinn
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Ruger's "Old Model" Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum
Single-Action revolver. The Old Models were polished to the superb deep
blue finish seen here. Ruger no longer polishes its blued guns to this
level of perfection.

Herrett's walnut Super Blackhawk grips as slimmed-down by the
author. Jeff thinks these are the best grips available for heavy-recoiling
loads in the Super Blackhawk.

The author has owned many Super Blackhawks over the years, but none
more accurate or pleasant to shoot than his recently-acquired 100%
perfect, previously-unfired example.

Five-shot, 1.2" group shown is the norm for this sixgun using
Remington 180-grain JSP loads. Author is looking forward to developing
some heavier handloads for this revolver.