I like the little .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire
cartridge. I have since it was first introduced a few years ago.
It is a very handy and efficient little cartridge. I have fired
several rifles chambered for the little magnum, along with about
three revolvers. All have displayed excellent accuracy. I have
more specifically fired a few .17 HMR rifles built by Savage
Arms, and despite their low price, they too have been very
accurate rifles. Especially since Savage started shipping their
rimfire rifles with the excellent AccuTrigger,
I recommend them more than any other .17 caliber rifle. They
offer a lot of gun for the money, and are more accurate than
rifles costing three times the price.
Now, Savage has taken their beautifully
accurate .17 magnum rifle, and made it aesthetically
beautiful as well. Named appropriately the "Classic",
I can think of no better name for the rifle. "Classic"
says it all. This newest rimfire Savage is reminiscent of the
rifles that were built a few decades ago, with a genuine walnut
stock, black forend tip, real cut checkering, sling swivel
studs, Monte Carlo cheek piece, and a finely executed high gloss
blue/black metal finish. The pistol grip wears a cap with an
embossed Savage Indian head logo. The buttstock is finished with
a nice synthetic rubber pad. The magazine is, thankfully, made
of steel, and a rarity these days; even the trigger guard is
made of blued steel. The sporter weight barrel is twenty-four
inches long, and is free-floated its entire length. The action
is held into the stock with two sturdy bolts. As mentioned
earlier, the Classic has the Savage AccuTrigger, which is
probably the best standard factory trigger on any rimfire rifle
made, with the possible exception of those that have a factory
set trigger. The trigger pull on the test rifle was adjusted to
its lowest setting, which measured 2 pounds, 7.4 ounces.
It is a delightful trigger to use. The safety is along the right
rear of the receiver, and pushes forward to fire. The magazine
holds five cartridges, for a total loaded capacity of six.
The Classic is a man-sized rifle, with this
sample weighing in at six pounds, five and one-half ounces. The
twenty-four inch barrel balances well, and also makes the rifle
a bit quieter to fire than most seventeen caliber rimfire
rifles. The action and bottom metal are well-inletted into the
walnut stock, and the barrel, while free-floated, does not have
excessive space in the barrel channel. The rifle looks well
finished. It reminds me a lot of the Remington Model 541
of many years ago, before that rifle got changed to a matte
finish. The Savage Classic is just a great-looking, well-built
rimfire. It is fitted and finished the way that a rifle should
Shooting the Classic .17 was done using the only
two brands of ammo that I had available to me; the original Hornady
17 grain V-Max, and the CCI Speer 17 grain TNT
hollowpoint. Both performed well. The Hornady load chronographed
2686 feet-per-second, ten feet from the muzzle, and the CCI load
clocked 2603 fps. Shooting for groups at 100 yards, both
loads would hold five shots under one inch, with the two groups
pictured each measuring seven-eighths of an inch, one with each
load tested. I was well-pleased with the accuracy of the
Classic. The most fun came after group shooting was done,
plinking away at small rocks on the berm 110 yards downrange.
Through the Leupold two to seven power scope set on
seven, watching the rocks explode through the scope was a lot of
fun. The Leupold is a compact rifle scope, and works very well
on the Savage rimfire. The rifle comes supplied with no sights,
but has Weaver style bases installed, which is a lot
better than the grooved receiver scope ring mount that is
standard on most rimfire rifles.
There is not a lot more that I can say about
this newest Savage rimfire, and I don’t like to type just for
the sake of making a longer review, except I will add that this
is one of the very best .17 HMR rifles available. Many rimfire
rifles feel more like a kid’s toy than a real gun. The Savage
Classic is a real rifleman’s rifle. It is beautiful, accurate,
easy to shoot, and very affordable. It is an exceptionally handy
varmint rifle, that is also a lot of fun to shoot. Check out the
extensive line of Savage firearms online at: www.savagearms.com.
For the location of a Savage dealer near you,
click on the DEALER LOCATOR icon at: www.lipseys.com.
Jeff Quinn
To locate a dealer where you can
buy this gun, Click on the DEALER FINDER icon at: |

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Savage Model 93R17 Classic .17 HMR Bolt Action Rifle.

The Model 93R17 Classic is equipped with Savage's great

Steel magazine (top) and trigger guard (bottom) indicate

Weaver style scope bases are factory installed.

Safety is well-located and easy to use.

Dual extractors assure positive function.

Stock is mounted securely with bolts at two points.

Accuracy was excellent, as we have come to expect from
the folks at Savage. Both CCI Speer and Hornady ammo grouped
into 7/8" at 100 yards.
