SHOT Show 2002

Day 2

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Tom Kelly of Smith & Wesson's Performance Center with their Model 627 8-shot .357 Magnum. Under new American ownership, S&W is making a solid comeback, and we are happy to see the resurgence of this great, historic gun maker.

Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 952 9mm match-grade semi-auto pistol. S&W proclaims this pistol to be equal to or better than custom match pistols costing twice as much!

Smith & Wesson Performance Center's superb reproduction of the original Schofield revolver. For the first time, S&W is making some of their Performance Center products available through normal dealer channels; the Model 627, Model 952, and Schofield are currently available to authorized dealers.

More fine guns from the Smith & Wesson Performance Center: the Model 17 .22 (top) and the Model 1917 .45 ACP (bottom). These gorgeous guns, complete with beautifully case-hardened frames and incredibly smooth actions, are available exclusively through Lew Horton's distributorship.

New from Hornady is their premium .405 Winchester ammunition. Long out of production from the major manufacturers, the great .405 Winchester is back, and although Hornady was not yet in business when the .405 Winchester was common, the box design evokes nostalgia.

Hornady has also rolled out a new cartridge for 2002: the .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire. The little 17-grain bullet clips along at over 2500 fps, and Hornady's research & development has shown it to have a much flatter trajectory and significantly less wind deflection that the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire. Guns will initially be available from companies such as Ruger, Marlin & Taurus; look for a comprehensive evaluation soon on!

Kel-Tec's Paul Meile points out some of the improvements in their new Sub-2000 takedown carbine.

Jeff was initially impressed with Mech-Tech Systems' carbine conversion unit for the Glock pistol.

Coming soon from Charter 2000: the long-awaited return of their excellent Pathfinder .22 revolver! The old Pathfinders were always favorites of ours, and the new ones look to be better than ever. Charter says these guns will be available Autumn 2002.

Charter 2000's "Off Duty" lightweight (aluminum frame) internal-hammer revolver in .38 Special +P is a very lightweight, handy belly gun.

Charter 2000 is also introducing the Dixie Derringer mini-revolvers in .22 LR and .22 Magnum.

Bushmaster's Jon Clark with their new "SIR System" free-floating handguard with multiple rails for AR-15 type rifles.

Jeff with Taurus' Model 218 Silhouette revolver in .218 Bee.

Jeff was pleased with Taurus' Model 63 .22 semi-auto rifle.

Taurus' "Millennium" Model PT111Ti compact 9mm with Polymer frame and Titanium slide is a very slick and lightweight DA pistol.

Mark Dehann of Huglu USA with their Model U2 28-gauge over-and-under double shotgun.

Lee Davisen with Huglu USA's Model U4E "Sport" shotgun.

Beautifully skeletonized, engraved and inlaid butt plate of Huglu USA's Model U3EL shotgun.

Huglu USA's Model U3EL also sports fine engraving, fit and finish. Huglu USA's Turkish-made shotgun line consistently exhibits a level of craftsmanship normally found only on guns costing many times their price.

DPMS is offering a very nice new line of gun safes. The extra-wide-opening door design offers maximum space, strength and accessibility and is fully customizable.

Jeff with DPMS' Dustin Emholtz and DPMS' new Model RFA2-308 .308 semi-auto rifle.

Gary Gutridge of American Spirit Arms Company shows Jeff the unique features of their line of AR-15 style rifles.

Angela Barrett of Barrett Firearms with their new Tavor 21 bullpup in .223. The very well-designed bullpup is fully convertible for left-hand operation and accepts standard AR-15 / M-16 magazines. This extremely handy gun will be available from Barrett in mid-2002.

Angela Barrett with Barrett Firearms' new Model 99-1 lightweight .50 BMG single-shot with night vision scope. Barrett created the market for modern .50 caliber rifles, and they continue to remain at the forefront of .50 caliber design.

Randy Higgins of E.D.M. Arms with their magazine-fed rifle in .408 Cheyenne Tactical Cartridge. Their rifles are also available in .338 Lapua and .50 BMG.

Armsco's Matt Guzeldere with their Model SGR8 28-gauge side-by-side double shotgun. Armsco is the direct arm of the Turkish arms maker, Huglu. Their shotgun line includes five frame sizes for both side-by-sides and over-and-unders, with consistently-excellent workmanship and design throughout the line. Look for a complete evaluation of these very nice little guns in the near future.

SHOT Show 2002 - Day 1

SHOT Show 2002 - Day 3