The Ruger
Mini-14 has been in production for about thirty-five years
now, and is a well-proven design. It is, and always has been, a
light, handy little carbine for hunting, predator control, and
also serves very well as a fighting rifle. Above all else, I
have always found the Mini-14 to be extremely reliable.
Throughout the years, the Mini has seen improvements to make it
better suited to scope use, and special versions have been built
for the military and police with full-auto function and folding
stocks. Several years ago, Ruger started marketing the Mini-14
more as a sporter than a fighting rifle. In its sporting Ranch
Rifle version, it is indeed a handy little carbine, suited to
hunting and as a knockabout rifle around the farm or ranch.
However, lots of Mini-14 buyers purchase the carbines for
defensive weapons, and in that role, the Mini excels. Recently,
Ruger has begun marketing versions of the Mini-14 towards that
purpose. Also recently, Ruger has started selling the very
popular standard capacity twenty and thirty-round magazines to
Mini-14 owners, instead of limiting us to the low-capacity five
round version. For decades, we had to depend upon the
aftermarket to supply us with substandard magazines, or pay
black-market prices for the twenties or thirties that Ruger
would only sell to military or police agencies. Thankfully, the
thinking at Ruger has changed, and they no longer restrict their
best magazines from being sold to those who want them. It never
did make sense for a man trying to defend his homestead alone
from having the tools to do so, but that those whom he hires to
help him, the police, are able to purchase those tools. Anyway,
Ruger is now selling their excellent twenty and thirty-round
magazines to all Mini-14 owners.
In addition to Ruger making their magazines
available, they are now also marketing the superb little carbine
as a fighting tool, not just for the military and police, but to
the rest of us as well. Shown here is their latest, the Mini-14
Tactical Rifle. The Tactical wears all of the recent
improvements to the Mini-14, such as a stiffer barrel and better
sights, along with the excellent ATI synthetic stock. The ATI
stock has a six-position telescopic buttstock, that also folds
to the side for storage or for use in tight quarters. Folded,
the overall length is only about twenty-six and one-half inches,
making it a very handy weapon for close-quarters fighting. With
the stock deployed, the length of pull varies from ten and
one-quarter to fourteen inches, making the Tactical Rifle
adjustable to fit shooters of all sizes and shapes. It is also
handy to retract the buttstock a bit when wearing thick clothing
or a protective vest., and the adjustable length makes it an
ideal carbine that grow with youngsters. The weight of the
Mini-14 with the ATI stock and an empty magazine in place is
seven pounds, fourteen ounces. The ATI sock has several
attachment points for a sling, in addition to the standard
Mini-14 sling loop at the bottom of the gas block. While on the
subject of the gas block, the Mini-14 has one of the most simple
and reliable gas systems ever designed. All the parts are
robust, and the operating handle also serves as a “forward
assist” to chamber a reluctant cartridge. However, in the many
thousands of rounds that I have fired through various Mini-14
rifles over the years, I have never had to force a cartridge
into the chamber. The moving parts have plenty of heft and
momentum, and chamber cartridges with authority. Ejection is
also forceful in the Mini design. Cartridges are always thrown
clear of the weapon. This Tactical Mini is no exception. As
expected, reliability was absolutely flawless. Accuracy varied
from unacceptable to okay to very good. The sixteen and
one-eighth inch barrel has a pretty stiff profile for a Mini-14.
I attached a Leupold VX-III 6.5 to 20 power scope in the Ruger
rings provided for accuracy testing. Wolf Gold seventy-five
grain Match ammo performed the best of all factory ammo that I
tried, with some handloaded fodder doing a bit better. The
one-in-nine twist of the rifling seems to prefer the heavier
bullets. The Wolf Gold would shoot three-shots into less than
one and one-half inches at one-hundred yards, and do just as
well with five and ten-shot groups. The fifty-five grain
Winchester USA full metal jacket ammo would do no better than
four inches in this particular rifle, and all other factory
loads averaged somewhere in between. The trigger pull was very
good on the test gun for a fighting rifle, measuring just under
four pounds, certainly better than most AR-15 rifles. As on all
Mini-14 rifles, the safety is in front of the trigger guard,
right where John Garand and God intended it to be. It is easy to
use by both right-handed and left-handed shooters. Velocities
from the short barrel are listed in the chart below,
chronographed at a distance of twelve feet from the muzzle, with
an air temperature of forty degrees Fahrenheit at an elevation
of approximately six hundred feet. FMJ is a full metal jacket
bullet. HPBT is a hollow point match bullet with a boat tail
heel. SP is a jacketed soft point bullet. Velocities are listed
in feet-per-second.
Ammunition |
Bullet Weight |
Velocity |
Winchester USA FMJ |
55 |
2767 |
Winchester USA FMJ |
62 |
2766 |
Black Hills SP |
55 |
2728 |
Wolf Gold Match HPBT |
75 |
2401 |
The Tactical Rifle has plenty of accessory
rail that is Picatinny compatible for the attachment of lasers,
flashlights, sighting devices, etc., so I tried out a couple of
new items that I had here that seemed well at home on the Mini.
First of all is a new vertical handgrip from Crimson Trace
called the Modular Vertical Foregrip. The Crimson Trace
Corporation has a well-deserved reputation for making reliable
laser sights for handguns and AR-15 rifles, but the vertical
grip can be used on any rifle, shotgun, or carbine that has a
Picatinny rail under the forearm. The grip contains both a red
laser which pulsates and a bright white light to illuminate the
target. It proved to be very handy and reliable. In a
close-quarters situation, the laser is ideal for accurate shot
placement, and the light is plenty powerful to illuminate a room
or a dark alley. The grip itself is very sturdy, and the
activation switches for the light and the laser are easy and
natural to use. There are no external wires or Velcro-attached
activation pads. The unit is entirely self-contained, and is the
best device of its type that I have ever used.
I also tried out a new Vortex StrikeFire dot
sight on the Tactical Mini. The user has the option of both red
and green dots available at the touch of a switch, and the
intensity of the dot can be adjusted for use in bright sunlight
or total darkness, and anywhere in between. There is also a very
dim setting for use with night vision goggles, and the sight is
also supplied with a two-power magnification piece that attaches
to the ocular end of the sight. Eye relief is not critical, and
the user can effectively use the sight with both eyes open. It
comes complete with batteries and a sturdy mount to fit
Picatinny rails.
There were no surprises in trying out the new
Tactical Mini. It proved to be absolutely reliable, as expected.
The ATI stock is well-built, and easy to use. The rifle comes
supplied with one twenty-round magazine, and I recommend the
purchase of a few spares, while they are still available. The
political climate in the US is such that our leaders could
attempt another ban at any time. In fact, that bill is before
Congress right now. Many of our leaders seek to deny us the use
of firearms, especially those with which we can best defend
ourselves and our Constitution. The Tactical Mini is a weapon
that is handy, powerful, and easy to use. Rock-solid reliable,
and accurate enough for predator control, deer hunting, and
defense. I highly recommend it.
Check out the full line of Ruger products
For the location of a Ruger dealer near you,
click on the DEALER FINDER at www.lipseys.com.
To order the Mini-14 online, go to www.galleryofguns.com.
For more information on the Crimson Trace
Modular Vertical Foregrip and the Vortex StrikeFire, go to www.crimsontrace.com
and www.vortexoptics.com.
For a list of dealers where you can
buy this gun, go to: |
To buy this gun online, go to: |

Crimson Trace light/laser forward grip unit.

Vortex StrikeFire red dot sight.

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Ruger Mini-14 5.56mm NATO Tactical Rifle.

Open sights are aperture rear and protected
blade front.

Integral scope bases.

A generous amount of Picatinny rail is included for
mounting a number of tactical accessories.

Also included are plenty of sling attachment points.

Safety is conveniently located for right-handed or
left-handed shooters.

Twenty-round magazine.

Folding six-position telescoping stock.

Rifle can be fired with stock folded.

Cheek piece.

Disassembly is easy.

Garand-style trigger/hammer group is simple and
