ever there were a revolver of excellent, almost perfect
ergonomics, it is the Smith and Wesson Model 19 Combat Magnum.
This revolver is well balanced and offers more power per
ounce than practically any other handgun. While the .357 Magnum
may be considered a bit light for hunting the game we all like
to take, the fact remains that the original Magnum has taken
every game animal in North America.
The history of the Combat Magnum begins in 1899 with the
introduction of the Smith and
Wesson Military and Police revolver. This medium frame
revolver is among the best handling and smoothest revolvers ever
produced. The Military and Police gained wide acceptance due to
its excellent handling qualities. The inherent accuracy of the
type was recognized early on and a number of adjustable sight
versions were introduced. These
included improvements on the basic design that led to the Smith
and Wesson Combat Masterpiece and the K-38.
But the best of all was yet to come.
to World War Two, revolver design and custom work reached a new
high. From the factory we had the high quality adjustable sights
found on the .357 Magnum revolver and the remarkable achievement
of producing the first Magnum revolver.
By lengthening the
cartridge case of the .38 Special by 1/10th of an
inch, the sharply
invigorated .38 Special known as the .357 Magnum was born. This
cartridge could not be chambered in .38 Special revolves.
The pressures, well over thirty thousand pounds per
square inch, were unheard of in those days. The .357 Magnum
quickly became a sensation.
The revolver was used to take every type of game on the
North American continent, including moose and bear.
You may draw your own conclusions as to whether the .357
was suited for this size of game animal, but it was done.
The original .357 Magnum loading jolted a 158 grain SWC
to well over 1,400 fps from a 8-3/8 inch barrel. Today’s loads
are more sedate, but you can count on a 158 grain JHP at 1,200
fps from a four inch barrel.
development during the same time was the modification of
revolver actions to a new short action. Lock time was decreased
and accuracy and practical shooting ability increased. These D.W.
King-inspired short
actions were legitimatised after World War Two by the
introduction of the Smith
and Wesson’s ‘short action’ revolvers. These revolvers,
from the lowly Military and Police to the deluxe Combat
Masterpiece, became highly popular handguns.
It was inevitable that the two advances, the Magnum
cartridge and the modern K frame revolver, would be combined.
and Wesson discovered that with modern heat treating the K frame
revolver could withstand the pressure of the .357 Magnum
cartridge. The cylinder of the Combat Masterpiece revolver was
lengthened in a deeper frame and the revolver renamed the Combat
Magnum, later the Model
19. The addition of
heavy target stocks and a recoil underlug, along with a heavy
barrel, made the Combat Magnum the best balanced K frame
revolver ever produced. The
revolver is light enough, comes
on target quickly, and has a high hit probability.
However, Smith and Wesson and many authorities
recommended the Combat Magnum be considered a .38 Special to be
fired occasionally with Magnum ammunition. The frame is light
and the parts the same size as the .38 frame guns. There is no
free lunch. Quite simply,
the revolver was long on carrying and handling but while no more
fragile than any other revolver, it was not meant to be fired
with thousands of heavy loads. Shooters who understood this
simple rule have enjoyed thousands of rounds with the Magnum
revolver. A good
rule of thumb is that a practice ratio of ten to one, with ten
.38s fired for every Magnum, should be maintained.
A number of accurate
combinations can be put up in the Combat Magnum with excellent
results. I have
loaded various loads using heavy cast bullets of 180 to 200
grains that give excellent accuracy and a hard slap- but they
are not quite Magnums.
Combat Magnum has excellent leverage for the size of the
handgun. The average hand fits the revolver well,
offering good purchase on most types of grips. The
trigger finger reaches the trigger with a minimum of effort, and
the orange insert front sight stays on target if the shooter
does his part. Many
peace officers using the Combat Magnum remarked upon the high
hit probability afforded a handgun using this front sight
insert. A friend of
mine took his deer some years ago with one of my handloads using
the Combat Magnum. He was in the shadow of a tree and all he
could see was the orange dot and little else- and he connected
with an instant one shot kill of a large buck.
Combat Magnum is light enough to pack on the hip constantly. While not as powerful as the .44 Magnum, it is much easier to
shoot well. While
some of my friends think it is all play when I test handgun, it
can be tiring testing big bore handguns.
I have never regretted a day on the range with the Combat
Magnum. Even with the most powerful handloads, the Combat Magnum
is not unpleasant to fire.
When using the moderate loads I tend to rely upon for
practice, the Model 19 is downright pleasant. This is an
advantage difficult to discount.
Anyone who contemplates working his way up to the .44
Magnum would be well advised to begin with the .357.
even better revolver was introduced for police work, but it has
become a favorite of outdoorsmen. The Model 66 stainless steel
revolver is a genuine rough use revolver.
When police cars first began to be delivered with factory
air conditioning, the
problem of condensation on blue steel handguns was real.
The problem was addressed by stainless steel duty
handguns. Stainless
is just that, stain-less,
and it will rust and pit but requires much less maintenance than
comparable blue steel handguns.
The stainless steel Model 66 is a Godsend for those
working in the rain or snow. Personally, I
prefer the rich lines of a blue steel revolver and my personal
go anywhere do anything revolver is a blue steel Model 19.
But if the weather looks rugged I will not risk marring
my treasured friend - I have a well used, even battered
stainless version I will use.
Combat Magnum will often be found with some type of adornment
representing the regard we have for these revolvers.
One of my personal revolvers was laser engraved by Smith
and Wesson and sported Blu Magnum grips. That is as good as it
gets! Others
may wear custom grips or have various amounts of engraving.
The Combat Magnum is a much appreciated handgun.
think of the Combat Magnum as a four inch revolver but many six
inch versions have been produced.
I owned one some years ago and won numerous silhouette
and bowling pin competitions with this revolver.
If you like the K-38 you will like the six inch Combat
Magnum even better. The
2.5 inch Combat Magnum was designed for personal defense but I
have seen a surprising number in field use.
It generates plenty of power for finishing off downed
game. Many hunters
find the Combat Magnum, loaded with birdshot shells, fine snake
medicine. Still
others like the Combat Magnum with it’s shortest barrel length
because it makes great truck gun.
say I like my Combat Magnums is an understatement.
I have as much regard for these revolvers as I do any
handgun. They have served me well with no compliant for many
years. They are the
Cadillac of mid frame revolvers, serving well in difficult
situations. It doesn’t
get any better than this.
has been said about the .357 Magnum that I can add little to the
accolades given this caliber. Every collection is incomplete
without a good .357 Magnum.
Listed below are a number of
loads that I have worked up for practice, loaded in the
.38 Special case. They
are too hot for regular use in a light frame .38 Special and
should be used sparingly in ANY .38, but a good .357 such as the
Combat Magnum will run forever on such loads. They are accurate
and quite effective on small game. The full power Magnum loads
are just that, full power and should be used sparingly.
Begin ten to fifteen per cent below my loads and work
your way up. These
loads will do anything a Magnum needed to do.
Bullet |
Charge / Powder |
Velocity |
Hornady 125 grain XTP |
11.0 gr HS7 |
1105 fps |
Hornady 140 grain XTP |
8.5 gr HS6 |
970 fps |
Hornady 158 grain lead SWC |
4.3 gr HP38 |
750 fps* |
Hornady 158 grain Lead SWC HP |
6.2 gr HS6 |
844 fps |
target load
Bullet |
Charge / Powder |
Velocity |
110 grain XTP |
22.0 gr H110 |
1390 fps |
Hornady 125 grain XTP |
22.5 gr Lil’Gun |
1422 fps |
Hornady 125 grain XTP |
8.5 gr HP38 |
1404 fps |
Hornady 158 grain XTP |
16.7 gr H110 |
1350 fps |
Hornady 180 grain XTP |
15.0 gr Lil' Gun |
1182 fps |
Load |
Velocity |
Hornady 158 grain XTP |
1309 fps |
4-inch Barrel M19 Accuracy
5-shot groups)
Load |
Group Size |
grain XTP .38 Special |
1.5 inches |
grain XTP .357 Magnum |
2.0 inches |
grain XTP .357 Magnum |
0.9 inches |
grain XTP .357 Magnum |
1.5 inches |
grain XTP .357 Magnum |
1.25 inches |
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This engraved Smith and Wesson sports
Blu Magnum grips,
among the very best options for a first class revolver.

The Combat Magnum is the perfect size for easy carry and
good handling. This version has been engraved by the Smith and
Wesson Custom Shop with affordable but attractive laser

This very nice and slick Model 66 is an ideal outdoors

The revolver is simple to make
safe - simply open the

The author often carries his personal Magnum in this Gold
Line holster from Gould and Goodrich. It is first class for all
around carry.

OK, here is good gear. This particular Magnum features
Smith and Wesson’s affordable laser engraving and Hogue grips.
The knife is from Spyderco and the holster is a Fobus, noted for
economy and utility.

This is the
author's original duty holster from Don Hume.
It is well over twenty five years old and still useful as a
field holster.