Ruger Collectors' Association Show 2004

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Won the “First Place Advanced Class” Award

  This display included the 4 major types of the standard Single-Six "Flatgate", an early Lightweight, and an all-blue factory engraved Flatgate.  A consecutive pair of Type 2 Flatgates and consecutive Jerred factory engraved guns plus Bill Hamm's "Old Companion" Flatgate that he purchased when he was 16 years old were also displayed.  The first type of Single-Six box, a rare Green Wreath Lightweight box, instruction manuals, warranty card, engraved guns factory presentation cases, company catalogs, and the first advertisements from the NRA's American Rifleman magazine rounded out the display.

(click pictures for a larger version)



Most of the exhibitors got together for dinner Friday night after setting up the displays then socialized a little afterwards in the dinning room area of the primary motel.  Saturday night, several of the group went to the Grand Ole Opry while others got together to socialize and talk our favorite subject.  We all gathered Sunday morning for the Awards distribution presided over by Bob Nelson.  Jay Hanson sent some Ruger Memorabilia donated by Sturm, Ruger, & Co., Inc. to give to each displayer.  Chad Hiddleson gives each winner a free year’s RENE extension.

Again we would like to encourage each of you to begin making plans now to attend next year’s Spring Smyrna Ruger Collectors Display show.  New collectors are really needed to display their guns.  You will most certainly enjoy it, meet some nice fellow collectors, and hopefully find some fine guns for your collection.  It will also help further and support our hobby and continued collectibility and desirability of the fine Ruger Firearms.

Bill Hamm & Boge Quinn

The Ruger Collectors' Association is the oldest organization for the Ruger collector and/or enthusiast. Membership includes the Association's sporadically-produced newsletter and invitation to members-only events. For more information (or to apply for an annual membership), write to: Ruger Collectors' Association, Inc., P.O. Box 240, Greens Farms, CT  06436

The Red Eagle News Exchange is a quarterly publication filled with new information, updates, and articles about collecting Ruger firearms and memorabilia. This is an excellent resource for the Ruger collector and/or enthusiast, and the wealth of information sent to new subscribers as a free gift with a paid annual subscription is alone well worth the money. Highly recommended. For more information or to subscribe, write Red Eagle News Exchange (Chad Hiddleson - Editor), 1945 Clover Avenue, Perry, IA  50220, or call (515) 465-2057.

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