Manufacturing, Inc. has for several years now produced some
of the best 1911 style pistols available. Kimber offers a
seemingly endless variety of 1911 pistols from lightweight
pocket forty-fives to Olympic match full-size target guns, and
just about anything in between. One of their most popular
pistols is the subject of this article: the Pro CDP II.
is short for "Custom Defense Package", and as the name
implies, this gun is built with the features demanded by those
who carry a .45 for the purpose of defending oneself in the
gravest of circumstances. In other words, it is a packing gun.
Pro CDP II has all of the features that I like in a 1911 for
everyday carry. The frame is alloy, resulting in an overall
weight of just twenty-nine ounces. The front of the grip frame,
the underside of the trigger guard, and the flat mainspring
housing are finely checkered for a secure and positive grip in
any weather condition. The magazine well is slightly beveled to
facilitate a quick magazine change. The thumb safety is
extended, and it is also ambidextrous for those of us who hold a
pistol in the left hand. The beautiful rosewood grips are
flawlessly checkered in the classic double-diamond pattern,
again to achieve a secure grip on the pistol. The grip safety is
of a high-ride beavertail type that is relieved for the
lightened Rowell type hammer. To aid in target acquisition, the
sights are big and black, with tritium inserts for low light
conditions. The Pro CDP II has a full-size grip frame. The
heavy four-inch barrel is fitted to the slide without the use of
a bushing, and there is a full-length stainless steel guide rod
for the recoil spring. The slide-to-frame and barrel-to-slide
fit is excellent, without any discernable play between the
parts. The feed ramp and barrel throat are polished to assure
smooth feeding of the ammunition from the seven-round magazine,
three of which are supplied with the gun. All screws are
hex-head type, and are made of stainless steel. The trigger pull
on the CDP II measures three pounds and ten ounces, every time,
and releases crisply. These features are important to assure the
most reliable and user-friendly package possible in a 1911 style
for the cosmetic features of the Pro CDP II. The gun is executed
in a nice matte two-tone finish. All metal components except the
frame, sights, hammer, springs, and magazines are of a matte
stainless finish. The mainspring housing is synthetic, and
finished to match the stainless components. The frame is a matte
black aluminum alloy, and the magazines are a matte blued steel.
Complimented by the checkered rosewood grips, the result is one
of the best-looking forty-fives available, in my opinion. The
overall look is serious and business like, but is very
aesthetically pleasing.
main feature that sets this gun apart from, and way above, most
other 1911 style guns on the market is the total absence of any
sharp edges on the exterior of this weapon. The best word to
describe the feel of this pistol is "smooth". If
you run you hand across most 1911 pistols, you can feel several
sharp edges that can cut your hand or quickly wear out holsters
and clothing. Those edges are smoothly rounded on the CDP. It is
much like the feel of a used bar of soap. All external edges of
the frame and slide are rounded. Raking your hand across the top
of the slide, it will glide smoothly across the sights and
ejection port. This can be very important if you ever have to
eject a bad round during a stressful situation.
Kimber Pro CDP II was tested using a variety of ammunition, both
hand loaded and factory new. As expected, the Kimber fed, fired,
and ejected every round without failure. I have been criticized
in the past for feeding empty cases through a new pistol during
testing. My critics have stated correctly that a gun was never
meant to feed empty cases, only live ammunition. However, I have
found that if a pistol will feed an empty case from the magazine
smoothly into the chamber, it will feed any type of ammunition.
The Kimber feeds empties smoothly, every time.
accuracy of the CDP II was very good with all ammo tested, as is
typified in the accompanying picture. Most ammo tested grouped
under two inches at twenty-five yards, fired two-handed from a
rested position. Rapid fire groups on silhouette targets were
well centered, and could be covered with a fist, from a standing
Weaver position. I particularly liked the Cor-Bon 165
grain Plus P hollow point ammo. It grouped very well, with less
felt recoil than the heavier bullet weight loads. My favorite
.45 ACP ammo, the Cor-Bon PowRBall,
grouped almost as well, with the same recoil characteristics,
and would be my load of choice in this pistol.
Kimber Pro CDP II pistol comes with a hard plastic storage case,
three seven-round magazines, an instruction manual, and a cable
lock. It is powerful, relatively lightweight, controllable, and
reliable. The suggested list price on the CDP is $1141, which
ain’t cheap, but is much less than having a standard 1911
customized to the same level as this factory gun. With the Pro
CDP II, you are getting a custom grade pistol, right out of the
out the full line of Kimber firearms online at: www.kimberamerica.com.
at Gunblast, I get to shoot many different firearms. It is a
rough job, but someone has to do it. Normally, I test the guns
and report the facts. Very seldom, I will recommend a firearm,
as I usually let the reader decide that which is best for his
situation. I get many emails wanting my opinion on the
"best" gun for a given purpose. I can only tell you
what would choose: Among the vast array of 1911 style .45
automatics on the market, this Kimber is the one that I would
want to be on my side when things get mean and serious, and I do
recommend the Pro CDP II for those who choose to go armed for
defense against those social predators who would do them harm.
Jeff Quinn
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The Kimber Custom Shop's Pro CDP II is one of the finest
defensive handguns available anywhere at any price.

Front and rear sights are smoothly-contoured blued steel
units with Tritium inserts, and are adjustable for windage.

While the price tag may seem a bit steep at first, the
Kimber Pro CDP II is meticulously crafted with many custom
features found on expensive custom carry pistols, making it a
real-world bargain.

The magazine well is tastefully treated with just the
right amount of bevel for a carry pistol.

The Pro CDP II features a polished feed ramp and
throated barrel for flawless feeding of any type of
ammunition, every time.

The Pro CDP II performed perfectly, never failing to
feed or eject the wide variety of ammunition tested. Nothing
less than 100% reliability is acceptable in a carry pistol,
and it's nice to see that the folks at Kimber understand this
concept as much as Jeff does!

While tack-driving accuracy is not as important as 100%
reliability in a carry pistol, Jeff was pleased to find that
the Pro CDP II is capable of fine accuracy. Most ammunition
grouped under 2" at 25 yards, with the Cor-Bon 165-grain
JHP and the Cor-Bon PowRBall among the top performers.