It is finally here! I have been waiting quite
impatiently for the arrival of Kel-Tec’s newest pistol for
several months now, and I finally have one in my right hand as I
hammer on this keyboard with my left. I first saw the prototype
of this new 22 magnum pistol at the 2010
SHOT Show back in January, and have been anxious to get one
in here for testing ever since. I did
get to spend a bit of trigger-time with a PMR-30 back in late
May of this year at the Kel-Tec factory in Florida, and that
only made me want one more. The pistols have been shipping in
limited quantities for about a month or so now, and with
production steadily picking up, I finally received mine last
week. It was worth the wait.
I have long been a fan of the 22 magnum
cartridge, and own a few rifles, revolvers, and pistols that are
chambered for the dandy little cartridge. The 22 magnum seems to
have power all out of proportion to its diminutive size. As a
trail gun for anywhere that large bears are not a problem, the
22 magnum in a handy revolver or pistol is hard to beat. I often
strap on a 22 magnum handgun when heading back on the farm or
into the woods, and I also often carry a 22 magnum handgun when
hunting large game. It is handy to have to put a finishing shot
behind the ear, if needed, and also does a good job of serving
as an all-around camp gun. While I already own a few 22 magnum
handguns, the PMR-30 is unique.
Like everything Kel-Tec, the design of the
PMR-30 is very innovative. Kel-Tec does not try to copy other
designs, but instead is always coming up with interesting
weapons that are like nothing else on the market. Good examples
are their RFB bull-pup semi-automatic
308 rifle and their SU-16 series
of lightweight semi-auto 5.56mm weapons. The Kel-Tec
P32 and P3-AT semi-auto
pistols set new standards for lightweight, reliable pocket guns,
and those designs have been copied by other gun manufacturers as
well. So far, Kel-Tec does not have a shotgun on the market, but
I am looking forward to one, if they get around to it in the
future. I have other semi-automatic 22 magnum pistols, and
really like my AMT Automag II,
but the PMR-30 will replace it as my 22 mag trail gun. I still
like my AMT, but the PMR-30 has features that make it much
better for my uses, one being that the Kel-Tec has an
ambidextrous safety. I have been trying to devise an
ambidextrous safety for my AMT for years, but have not been
successful in my efforts. I can now give up on that project, as
Kel-Tec has thoughtfully included one on the PMR-30. Thank you,
Kel-Tec! The engineers at Kel-Tec have designed a double-column
magazine that holds thirty rounds of 22 magnum ammunition. The
rimmed design of the cartridge has until now kept other
designers from building a successful wide-body magazine for the
cartridge, but the Kel-Tec design runs flawlessly. It is
difficult to get the last couple of cartridges into the Kel-Tec
magazine, but they will go. Hopefully, someone will make a mag
loader for the PMR-30 magazine soon. Until then, I will probably
just stuff 25 or so into mine. My AMT holds nine rounds, and the
pistol weighs twice as much as this Kel-Tec PMR-30. It is also
not as reliable as the Kel-Tec with a wide variety of
ammunition. While on the subject of ammunition, Kel-Tec warns to
not use Armscor brand ammo in the PMR-30, nor any foreign
ammunition, but to stick with USA-made ammo, specifically
recommending CCI Maxi-Mag 40 grain ammo.
However, for testing purposes, I had to try
every brand and type of 22 magnum ammo upon which I could get my
hands, and also tried out the Armscor, since Kel-Tec
specifically stated to not do so. I don’t know why, but I am
just that way. Every brand, bullet weight, and type of ammo
tested ran smoothly through the PMR-30, with only one failure to
extract fully early on in the testing, and it appeared to be a
faulty cartridge. The warning against the use of Armscor seems
justified. With that ammo, the pistol seems to open too quickly.
I did not get any powder spray back on me, but it appeared that
there was powder still burning after the slide was moving
rearward. Anyway, while it functioned well, the Armscor was not
the best performer, and heeding Kel-Tec’s warning to avoid its
use in the PMR-30 is a good idea. There are a lot better choices
available. Again, while still on the subject of ammunition,
Winchester now has a lead-free 22 magnum load, for those who
live in areas where the idiots in power have banned the use of
lead bullets. The Winchester load uses a copper-jacketed tin
bullet that weighs 28 grains, and it performed very well in the
I wanted to try out every type of ammo that I
could, mainly to determine just how reliable the new PMR-30 is,
and secondarily to check for accuracy. Accuracy is important to
me, but a semi-auto pistol must first and foremost be reliable,
and the PMR-30 proved to be very reliable, running flawlessly
with every brand tested, discounting that afore-mentioned
failure to eject fully with one round of ammo early in the
tests. The PMR-30 is designed to work as a blowback action, but
is designed to at least provide a partial lockup, if needed,
essentially adjusting to the ammunition that is being fired.
This allows the PMR-30 to work well with greatly varying bullet
weights. Accuracy testing was done from a hand-held rested
position at a distance of twenty-five yards. Velocities were
recorded at twelve feet from the muzzle, with the results listed
in the chart below. Velocities are listed in feet-per-second.
Bullet weights are listed in grains. Velocities were recorded
with an air temperature of seventy-three degrees Fahrenheit, at
an elevation of 541 feet with eighteen percent humidity.
Accuracy is the average group size for five-shot groups,
measured center-to center of the widest-apart bullet holes in
each group. Group sizes are listed in inches.
Ammunition |
Bullet Weight |
Velocity |
Accuracy |
CCI Maxi-Mag JHP |
40 |
1318 |
4.37 |
CCI Maxi-Mag TNT |
30 |
1464 |
2.37 |
Winchester Tin JHP |
28 |
1498 |
2.25 |
Winchester JHP |
30 |
1497 |
1.50 |
Winchester JHP |
34 |
1363 |
1.87 |
Winchester FMJ |
40 |
1317 |
3.25 |
Winchester DynaPoint |
45 |
1136 |
3.12 |
Winchester JHP |
40 |
1266 |
2.25 |
PMC Predator JHP |
40 |
1205 |
3.25 |
Armscor JHP |
40 |
1273 |
3.87 |
As can be seen in the chart above, accuracy
ranged from match-grade to barely acceptable, depending upon the
ammo used, and the use in which the pistol will serve. For
hunting and target work, most of the Winchester loads look
pretty good from this pistol, especially the lighter weight
bullets. For social work, most of the loads tested would serve
just fine. While on the subject of personal defense, I get email
almost everyday from folks who, for whatever reason, cannot
handle the recoil of most of the popular defensive pistols built
today. I have often recommended the 22 magnum as a good revolver
for those folks, with the qualification of having enough hand
strength to pull the trigger. The 22 magnum revolvers marketed
today for self defense, as a group, have horrendous trigger
pulls. The manufacturers are making the hammers too lightweight,
thus to successfully ignite the rimfire primer, they have to
make the hammer springs too heavy. The result is a terrible
trigger pull on the lightweight 22 magnum revolvers. The older
High Standard Sentinel revolvers were built right, with a hammer
with enough heft to reliably set off the cartridges, but those
revolvers are getting hard to find.
For folks needing a good 22 magnum defensive
pistol, the PMR-30 is the answer. Besides holding a fistful of
cartridges, the PMR-30 is easy to shoot, having a superb trigger
pull for such a pistol. The trigger pull on my test gun was
light and smooth, releasing with just two pounds, six ounces of
pressure. Perfect. The trigger also has an overtravel stop, and
the safety disconnects the trigger. There is no magazine safety.
The magazine release is a heel-type, which I greatly prefer for
a field gun, as it is a lot less likely to get bumped, dumping
the magazine. Also, even for a fighting pistol, with thirty-one
shots, a quick reload is not likely to be needed. Even if it is,
the heel mag release works very quickly with practice. The 22
magnum cartridge works pretty well for defensive purposes. It is
not a twelve gauge shotgun, and not even a 45 Auto, but the
little cartridge offers good penetration and light recoil. Using
the PMR-30, if necessary, you can get off thirty-one rounds on
target in about six seconds, if you take your time. The light
recoil and excellent trigger make the weapon very easy to
control, and putting those thirty-one rounds on target across a
typical household room is very easy to do. The PMR-30 is not a
pocket pistol, but a full-size weapon. It fits well in my Glock
holsters that are made for the medium-frame Glocks, such as the
Models 17, 19, 22, and 23. Rob Leahy of Simply Rugged Holsters
has a nice trim leather holster in the works. (www.simply The PMR-30 fills the hand, but the trigger reach
is still very well-suited to those with any size adult hand. The
Kel-Tec has an accessory rail under the slide, for attachment of
a laser sight or flashlight, if desired. Dimensions are listed
in the chart below. Weight is listed in ounces. Linear
measurements are listed in inches. Trigger pull is listed as
pounds of pressure. Please note that Kel-Tec lists the trigger
pull at between four and six pounds. Mine started off a bit
heavier than three pounds, but lightened up a bit with use, and
is right now a delightful trigger to use.
Weight with empty
magazine |
15.2 ounces |
Weight without magazine |
13.6 ounces |
Weight fully loaded,
approximate |
19.6 ounces |
Trigger Pull |
2.4 pounds |
Barrel Length |
4.32 inches |
Barrel Diameter |
0..375 inches |
Overall Height |
5.8 inches |
Overall Length |
7.85 inches |
Grip Thickness |
1.05 inches |
Trigger Reach |
2.77 inches |
Magazine Capacity |
30 rounds |
Magazines Supplied |
2 |
The new Kel-Tec PMR-30 is everything that I
had hoped it would be. It is lightweight, reliable, accurate,
easy to shoot, and priced at about half the cost of its closest
competition, while holding three times as many cartridges in its
magazine. As a trail gun, camp gun, and for general bumming
around in the woods, the PMR-30 is ideal. As a bedside gun for
those needing protection without recoil, it is perfect. The
PMR-30 filled a void in the firearms market that needed filling,
and I am glad that it is finally in production.
Check out the entire line of Kel-Tec products
online at
For the location of a Kel-Tec dealer near
you, click on the DEALER LOCATOR at
To order the PMR-30 online, go to
Jeff Quinn
For a list of dealers where you can
buy this gun, go to: |

To buy this gun online, go to: |