Cowboy Action Shooting: Getting StartedBy
Jim Taylor (J Bar T) I
suppose almost all shooters have heard of Cowboy Action Shooting by now.
One the fastest (if not the fastest) growing segments of the Shooting Sports,
Cowboy Action continues to attract new shooters even though it has been around
for a long time. Inspired by the movie “The Wild Bunch” a group of shooters
in California began shooting “cowboy style” on a regular basis in the
1970’s. The idea continued to grow and spread and the result was
the formation of the Single Action Shooting
Society (SASS), the original and largest of the Cowboy Action organizations
today with over 50,000 members. The
firearms used are limited to firearms or replicas thereof, of the kind produced
before 1899. Handguns are limited to single action revolvers. Rifles
can be either lever action or slide action but both must have exposed hammers
and must be in “pistol” calibers. Shotguns can be either double barrel
(external hammers or “hammerless”) or slide action (with a hammer) of the
types made before 1899. They cannot be larger than 10 ga. nor can they
have barrels shorter than 18”. Ammunition for the handguns and rifles
are limited to lead bullets at very moderate velocities. Shotguns are
limited to “low brass” lead shot loads with #4 birdshot or smaller. The
various Cowboy Action organizations may have slightly different rules in some
area, but those are the basics. There are Side Matches for Buffalo Rifles
or “Long Range” rifles as they are called. There are also
Side Matches involving Pocket Pistols and Derringers. The combinations and
how they are used in a match are almost endless and always entertaining.
One thing about Cowboy Action that makes it attractive to new shooters, it’s
fun to watch! The
rules also call for contestants to adopt a “handle” (a “Cowboy” name)
and to wear period clothing. Some groups are stricter in this area than
others, especially on the National level. You usually will find that the
local clubs encourage you to dress western, but especially if you are just
getting started, jeans, boots and a cowboy hat will not be looked down upon.
Any new shooter that shows up at a local match will not be turned away or
snubbed, whether he or she has all the “proper” attire. I
included “she” for this is one area of shooting that is attracting women
shooters faster than any other area of the sport. I have seen women really
get into the Cowboy Shooting scene who before this never seemed interested in
firearms. A big part of the credit for that has to go to the friendliness
of most all the cowboy shooters out there. That and the “fun” aspects
of playing cowboy. The
matches are broken up into various shooting stages with different western-theme
scenarios. They range from the simple to the complex. For instance,
we are just getting a Cowboy Action Shooting club started in our area. We
have targets but not many props, but our shoots have been fun and are stirring
interest. I have shot at matches where the club that sponsored the match
obviously spent much time, money and thought in putting together the props.
They ranged from stagecoaches to saloon fronts and stationary as well as moving
“horses”. A little thought on the part of those putting the
match together keeps things interesting for shooters as well as spectators. The classes of shooters that SASS has set are as follows:
are additional rules that go with some of the above but these give you the
general over-view. Local clubs may make minor changes/allowances. I
have been shooting with various Cowboy Action groups off and on for a few years
but I had never gotten serious about it. This last year I decided I wanted
to do this on a regular basis and began gathering things that I needed:
guns, ammo, wardrobe … all the essentials. Sure, I had guns, but I
figured that if I am going to shoot matches several times a month I ought to use
something other than my 1st Generation Colt SAA’s… they are just too
valuable to be using that hard… at least to me. And I wanted another
levergun. I had a Marlin 1894CL in .32-20 that worked pretty well.
The action is slick and the gun is accurate. But I wanted a Model 92 Winchester
or a copy of one. I had the shotgun, an old Stevens 311 12
gauge with 18 ½” barrels that would work fine. And I wanted some
of those neat clothes I saw folks wearing. The old-timey ones. My
wife liked the Victorian-style dresses and said she would help me with the
clothing, so I started on the guns. RIFLE For
the levergun I picked up a copy of the Winchester 92 by Rossi in .357 You
are not limited to the 1892 copies. Shooters use replicas (and sometimes
the originals) of the Henrys, the Winchester 1866, the Winchester 1873
(one of the more popular ones), and the Winchester 1892. Winchester makes
the 1894 (modern made) in “pistol” calibers and designed for use by Cowboy
shooters. In addition to the replicas and the Winchester rifles, Marlin has
given the Cowboy shooters a wide range of choice. Not only are the old
guns out there, but new Marlins can be had in Cowboy configuration, made
especially for the Cowboy Action game. SINGLE
the sixguns I decided to go with Ubertis.
There are any number of good single action revolvers available today. For the
person starting out they would never go wrong buying a Ruger. The
Ruger Vaquero is one of the more popular ones and it is an excellent choice.
There are also great cowboy guns from Cimarron Arms, from USFA,
from stores like Cabela’s and from quite a few other sources. Replicas
of the Colt Single Action Army are not the only guns used of course. There
is the Smith & Wesson Schofield which is quite popular with some.
You can also use the Smith & Wesson Russian or the Remington Model
1875 or Model 1890. And there a number of “cap and ball” revolvers to
choose from if that is your preference. The
reason I chose Uberti was this: I wanted guns that were close replicas of
my Colt SAAs. I had a limited budget. And I got a deal that fell
within what I was looking for and took it. For those who want to tune up their single action revolvers so that they run smoothly and to help the reliability there are several options. One is to send the guns off to a gunsmith and have them tune them up. For those on a limited budget or who just like to Do-It-Yourself, one of the easiest things to do is install a reduced-power spring kit. These help lighten the force needed to cock the hammer. They can also reduce wear on internal parts. [Ed. Note: do-it-yourselfers, see Jim's article, Slicking Up an Uberti] Kits
are available for Rugers, Colts, and replicas of Colt from Brownells,
MidwayUSA, Qualite'
Pistol & Revolver and a large number of other online sources. I ordered the In
addition to the springs I personalized the sixguns by removing the varnish on
the grips. Under it I found nice wood on one gun. That grip I gave
an oil finish. The
that I had the sixguns I needed some way to tote them around. I had
carried the Colts in a “strong side” holster along with a crossdraw holster.
I did not care for the crossdraw and decided I would go with left-hand and
right-hand conventional carry holsters. I contacted Big
John Delavan in Florence, Arizona and had him make me 2 holsters, one
left-hand and one right-hand. I told him I wanted them plain, no stampings
or embossing on them. Just a set of plain, Mexican Double-Loop holsters. John’s
prices are extremely reasonable and his holsters are made the old-timey way. Cut
by hand, sewn by hand (no machines .. just two needles) and they reflect the way
things were done over 100 years ago. They are done with care.
The leather used is like it came off the cow. If it has a scar in it, so
does your holster. It gives them a unique and distinctive quality. John
is a cop who was retired by gunfire. He was ambushed and shot while on
duty and it ended his Law Enforcement career. Thus was born his holster
business. If you are looking to get into Cowboy Shooting and need some
holsters, give John a call. GUNBELT I
needed a good belt to hang the holsters on but I did not want to spend a bunch
of money for it. Mr. Prairie Lightning suggested going to the
supply store and buying a Klein Tool Belt. The one he suggested is
the Model 5415 (Embossed Heavy SHOTGUN The
Stevens shotgun needed more work than any of them. The old shotgun worked,
but it was difficult to work it! The opening lever was very stiff.
Breaking Any
side-by-side double barrel 20 gauge to 10 gauge may be used as long as it does
not have ejectors. A number of shooters like the old “outside hammer”
shotguns for their authentic looks. These can be used quite competitively.
Quite a few shooters prefer the Winchester 97 pump shotgun. The
Winchester and the early Marlin pump guns can be used, but you are only allowed
to load 2 shells. Some Cowboy shooters are using the old lever-action 1887
Winchester shotguns also. As with the pump guns, only 2 shells may
be loaded. Choosing
your firearms is going to be according to your budget of course. Let me
encourage you to start out with whatever you have. If you are like most of
us you will not be able to begin with everything you need or want. The
neat thing about Cowboy shooters is, they want to help! I cannot
tell you how many times I have gone to a match with my 6-shot Marlin 1894CL.
On a 9 or 10 shot stage I would have to stop and reload my Marlin. Over
and over again I have had shooters come and offer me the use of their rifle.
And these were guys I was trying to beat! I
have seen new shooters come to a match with only one pistol, a rifle and no
shotgun. And yet through the generosity of the Cowboys and Cowgirls there,
they were able to shoot all the stages and have a great time. It’s
“The Spirit of the Game”. Sure you want to do well. And
yes, it’s neat to win. But over all that is the fact of enjoying
yourself. AMMO Some
Cowboy shooters reload their own ammo and some do not. If you do not
reload there are a number of companies offering Cowboy loads in a large variety
of calibers. These loads are at the reduced velocities required. For
instance, For
those that want more authenticity, Cor-Bon
offers black powder loads in .38 Special, .45 Colt, .45-70 and 12 gauge. I
use these from time to time when I shoot Almost
all manufacturers now offer some cowboy loads. Winchester, PMC,
Hornady, CCI, Ultramax, 10-X, and Magtech are offering Cowboy loads
in different calibers, just to name a few. Shop around and you will find
whatever you need. CLOTHING You
need not spend outrageous sums of money on clothing in order to get started
either. I mean, you can if you want to. There are a number of fine
clothing makers today who specialize in and produce period clothing.
But you can do this yourself also. Fungus
Sam went to a used clothing store and bought an old suit that had stripes
very much like many of the old Western clothes. His wife removed the belt
loops and sewed buttons on the pants for the old-time suspenders. He
has less than $5.00 in the pants. Button-fly
jeans can be used the same way. Remove the belt loops. Sew on
buttons for suspenders and you have a pair of Old West cowboy pants.
You can buy the blue work shirts from Sears that come without a collar.
They are still made like they were in the old days. Or you can
remove the collar. Presto! An old-timey shirt. Along
with a pair of boots and a cowboy hat and you are in business. As
time goes by you can make or purchase other clothing. Be warned.
You will spend more than you thought and you will buy things you never thought
you would. And you will thoroughly enjoy yourself. SASS Last
I would suggest you join SASS, the Single
Action Shooting Society. You don’t need a membership in SASS to
get started in Cowboy Shooting but it is a good thing to do. This is the
founding group of Cowboy Action Shooting. For your entry fee you receive a
year’s membership, a badge, an identification/membership card, a decal, the
SASS Shooter’s Handbook, and a years subscription to the Cowboy Chronicle.
You won’t be sorry you did. For
an in-depth look at Cowboy Action Shooting pick up the book, “ACTION
SHOOTING, COWBOY STYLE" by John Taffin. You will find it a
great addition to your library. Much of the research you will need to do
has been done already in this book. [Ed. Note: also check out Gary Kieft's book, "BEYOND THE WILD BUNCH", available from Dillon Precision) ***** SASS If you have Adobe Acrobat you can download the SASS Shooter's Handbook from the SASS website. It will give you all the information about guns, ammo, clothing etc. It is very informative. ***** Black
Hills Ammunition Co. ***** Cor-Bon ***** Big
John’s Handmade Leather Goods ***** ACTION
Include a note with your check and have John Taffin autograph the book for you. ***** Brownells
Inc. ***** Grip
Maker ***** Dillon
Precision ***** There are a large number of other suppliers available who offer ammunition, guns, clothing, gear, accessories, gunsmithing, parts, holsters, belts … you name it is out there. This short list is intended to help those who want to get started. Once you begin you will find a huge number of resources. The cowboys and cowgirls of Cowboy Action Shooting will share their ideas and resources with you. I guarantee it. Jim Taylor
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